Sunday, March 23, 2008

Careful Concentration

CM continues to make strides (as all the children do) in her mastery of blocks and small objects. On this day, over the course of about 20 minutes, she carried blocks over to the table and using her right hand, carefully placed them in an arrangement that looked similar to a small cluster of buildings. If one fell, she would patiently pick the block up and re-position it. She left her arrangement for awhile and did something else only to return to the blocks and re-position them again. There was a purpose to the placing of each block and we watched with interest as she concentrated on the careful placement of her creation. Sometimes, when a child is deeply focused like C was, the other children will grow quiet as they begin to observe what's going on. Often, interest is sparked in one or more of the other children and they will attempt to replicate or expand on their friend's work.

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