Saturday, February 23, 2008

Jackets and Zippers

The process of getting ready to go outside each day provides the children with a great opportunity to practice self-help skills. We have begun to ask the children to find their own jackets and put them on, allowing plenty of time for this to happen. Those who finish quickly are encouraged to help other children. We have demonstrated a technique that allows the children to put their jackets on by flipping them over their heads, allowing them to do this by themselves. FF and JL are able to it and the others give it their best effort (not all children like that method, but for some it works great). Manipulating the zipper is hard for many, but they enjoy trying their faces beam with pride they are successful. If you can find the time to allow your child to dress themselves and put on their own coat, you might be surprised at how capable they are. A growing sense of independence is huge in the life of children who often have
few chances to exercise choice.

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