After seeing how much the children enjoy washing their hands and playing in the water as it trickles we decided to add a small fountain for them to use. After cleaning it (the brown on the bottom is paint, not dirt : ) ) we set it up and placed some smooth river rocks nearby. JL and AV were engaged immediately, but CM kept her distance, watching and waiting.
J was interested in the sound of the water at first and kept repeating, "the water falling, the water falling!" while AV said, "'sat, 'sat?" (what's that?). They picked up the rocks and held them under the falling water as AV tried to lick the wet stones. J then began to count the rocks that are there. J then says he is washing clothes and washing his hands.
Eventually C attempted to push the yellow stepstool close to the table and became frustrated that she didn't have the access that she wanted. She finally positioned the stool where she wanted it and grabbed a few rocks and shook them, which AV imitated. C hit the rocks against the side of fountain and then tried to lick them. C and AV held the rocks under the falling water and CM shook them near her ear afterward. From time to time the children were concentrating so intently that the room became quiet and all you could hear was the water trickling.
J asked where the water goes and we told him that there is a small motor that cycles the water through--no new water comes in. J said that it is rain. C moved away from the table and began to dance, possibly to the sound of the water trickling as there was no music playing at the time. She continued to dance around the room until AV and J left the fountain area, when she returned to the fountain and began taking rocks out and placing them on the rocking chair. AV found them so C moved them to another hiding spot. J moved back to the fountain and asked how the water was falling down.
Later in the day, when we announced that is was naptime, C immediately picked up a basket, placed the rocks inside, said "Night night!" and walked into the den where she sleeps. We didn't have the heart to take them from her and so she slept with her beloved rocks. : )
We extend this play outside by placing the rocks in a large tub of water and are looking at ways we can help the children create their own waterfall. Any ideas are always welcome!
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