Saturday, April 26, 2008

Taking a Shower

We added this yellow stepstool to the daycare setting after observing that the children like to have something to stand on at the window, in the bathroom and even the play kitchen. On this day JL, who often instigates symbolic play, tells us that he is going to take a shower. We tell him to go ahead and get started because he's dirty and will need to go to work soon. He looks at the stool and then positions it in the middle of room. He stands on the top step and begins to act out taking a shower, using soap and paying particular attention the the armpits. When he's finished he steps down and goes to work.

This construction of reality is and important developmental step and we are always intrigued by J's ability to create an imaginary world where he can control and test out whatever is on his mind. We support this symbolic play as it is the foundation of abstract thinking. It also allows us to connect other children to this type of play so that they can all engage in this important process.

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